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Feedback on the designs on other blogs

This is the feedback on the designs of the two blogs, one visualizing Domestic violence against women and another visualizing board games.

Dries Heylen

Board game group: ( about last design on the blog): I like the final idea of merging the category - mechanics overlap with the edges representing categories that have games in common. Doing this with the rating scale presented in ES9? can make it complete, but I would be careful with adding the pawn with all its attributes on top of that. It may be difficult to implement it while keeping it comprehensible, prevent chaos :). Overall nice ideas!

Domestic violence against women: I believe you guys choose a topic that can certainly benefit from a proper visualization to address domestic violence's harsh problem. It would be nice for the readers to get a bit more of a complete overview of the dataset and some more clear explanations with each design, they look promising, but some I can't grasp completely due to a lack of detailed information. A concrete idea for the donut chart describing the percentage of domestic violence against women across countries would be adding a black and white pie chart in each piece of the colored pie chart indicating, e.g., from all educated individuals in that country, how many are female (%)? That way, it would illustrate whether countries with a discrepancy between male and female education opportunities are having a lot of domestic violence, yes or no? Just an idea, good luck with the rest of the design process!

Joe Gwatsvaira

Domestic violence against women: this is an interesting topic, which when properly visualized, will be eye catching. I noticed you have made some colorful sketches. In particular the roots of domestic violence design. I am sure this is self explanatory with the roots of the tree indicating factors causing domestic violence. It would be more interesting if the importance of a particular factor on domestic violence is highlighted on the plot. For example, most important factors might have thick and or long roots. The dartboard is again a nice picture. I would love to see the automated version of it. However, I feel it can only be possible for a small number of countries for clear visualization or it can be combined with the world map. All the best!

Board game group: in this locked down generation, it is also useful to have some tips on how to spend some time. In you blog post you mentioned something like visualizing categories that can be intertwined together. This would be an interesting idea, to know which games are played together the most. Visualizing a combined ludo board, which shows the categories shared in a game is also fascinating. I am sure visualization is the idea of getting as much information from one picture as possible. Keep it up!

John Andrew

Domestic violence against women: the topic is a very interesting topic and is in the area where the world has been focusing for many years. We have seen governments implementing universal (common) measures to solve this problem. The design is good and the planned visualization is also good particularly the use of colors. An interactive world map where all other sketches could be giving more information would be much interesting. For example, a world map where each country has a color explaining the general level of violence, and if a particular country is pointed, other, tree roots diagram where the length of a tree can indicate the level of violence and the root can highlight the importance of each cause of violence by length. Then a donut or bar chart can give more details about women in that country (political participation, economic power, ..etc). I think such visualization can give us what we have never thought off about the problem which can help us to come up with the best solution to this problem. All the best

Board game group: the topic is interesting and it will open the eyes of the game programmers and players. I like the design and much more the final design. Using a game to visualize is the best idea as it is in line with the topic (what eyes will see is what the mind will be waiting). Combining categories and mechanics into one board will give enough information at once if you also implement another visualization to give more details about other variables as you suggested. All the best.

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