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The intermediate continues!

Updated: May 28, 2021

The summary of progression of events in a football match were also demonstrated using a pie chart. The number of occurrences for each event at a particular time were recorded and passed on to plot a pie chart. The designers decided to analyze the match events of English Premier League (events_England.csv).

The figure above was made using p5.js and shows an empty canvas. For one to plot a pie chart, they have to enter the "match ID", which is a unique identifier for each match played and "match period", which is either "1H", for first half or "2H" for second half analysis. Some of the match ID's one could submit lie in the range [2499719, 2499720, 2499721, ..., 2500098]. Any chosen "match ID" in that bracket is a valid entry.

When the time is at 0 (far left), the canvas remain empty irrespective of entering the "match ID" and "match period". However as the timer is moved from left to right, that is as the game progresses, we start to see a plot being constructed. At the far right of the timer, that is 45 minutes into the game, one can see a complete pie chart with a distribution of match events. At this period, the designers are still working on clearly displaying the name of each event on the pie chart, so that the user can actually tell which event dominated the most. But of all the events mentioned, one would still expect that event (pass) is dominant in a football game.

For illustrative purposes, designers, used a match ID 2499719. By the end of the first half, the counts for each event; Pass, Foul, Duel, Free Kick, Shot, Offside and the rest in that order were [431, 11, 234, 54, 13, 4, 107]. Finally, by the end of the second half for that same match, the counts were [349, 8, 242, 50, 18, 1, 121]. Comparing first half to second half of match "2499719", there were more passes in the first half (431) compared to the second half (349). There were also more fouls in the first half (11) compared to second half's (8), which is also corroborated by the number of free kicks; 54 in the first half versus 50 in the second half. More to follow!

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